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Casting Gets Real

Casting Gets Real

We love Adland’s move toward more diversity.

We’ve been in the business long enough to remember when casting for a campaign meant having to walk the weird tightrope of diversity. Some looks or “types” were simply assumed, while others were completely taboo. And don’t even get us started on token casting.

Thankfully, there has been a shift toward real, this-is-what-America-looks-like inclusion in advertising and, if you’ve been paying attention to commercials lately, that shift is in turbo mode.

Same-sex couples. Mixed-race families. People with disabilities. More and more, industries and brands are portraying their customers in a way that truly reflects our country today—major brands like Nissan, Hyundai, Rocket Mortgage and Frontier just to name a few. And we don’t think this is just some cynical marketing ploy to win goodwill. This is real. And it feels like it’s here to stay.

Congrats, Adland! Keep it going. Now, about getting more diversity in your creative departments…